What is hunger?
For many, the term conjures visions of emaciated African children. It is certainly a result of a lack of food and nutrients. It can come from a personal circumstance or that of a nation. The developing world is home to a staggering 19 million people who suffer from a severe lack of food.
There are many misconceptions about hunger. One of the most common is that hunger is not a local problem. If that were the case, food pantries would not be struggling to meet demand, as they are now. Another misnomer is that hunger only affects the poor and uneducated. Were that true, people with college educations and stable jobs would somehow be able to avoid natural disasters and recessions. If only! In our community, a large percentage of the people currently seeking food aid have jobs and educations; they contribute to society and work hard. Yet despite this, they are struggling to make ends meet.
According to Feeding America for one in every six Americans hunger is a reality. Most of those people will fall below the poverty line. Most of those people will live in a household with one or more people working. When companies restructure, downsize or move away, a great many families in rural and urban areas are faced with the bread winner’s having to find a new job, working reduced hours and/or working at a lower pay scale. Locally, we are not immune to that trend. The majority of individuals receiving supplemental food in our community are between 26 and 65 years old and are suffering from these same problems.
Does hunger reside in your backyard? It does, and Our Community Food Pantry needs your help. We all have the power to make a difference.